What To Buy

For the Dr. Phil Potty training method you will need a Potty Doll, a Potty Seat for your child, and some big boy underwear or big girl panties.  You may also want to purchase a book to help walk you through the process of this potty training method, as well as a potty book for your child to get him excited about potty training before the big day.

Potty Training Dolls

The Dr. Phil potty training method requires a "Potty Doll" that can drink and wet.  This allows your child to see how the potty process works with real liquids going in and coming out.
Here are some of our favorites you can buy on Amazon:

Melissa & Doug Annie - 12" Drink and Wet Doll
Corolle Les Classiques Emma Drink-and-Wet Bath Baby Doll
Baby Alive Wets And Wiggles Blonde
Potty Scotty Doll
Corolle Les Classiques Special Feature 14" Baby Doll (Paul Drink-and-Wet Bath Baby)
Baby Alive Wets And Wiggles - African American

Potty Seats

Some of the "Potty Dolls" come with their own potty seat, but your child can't use those. They will love to have their own little potty seat, either one that is stand-along or one that sits on a toilet in your house.
Here are some of our favorites from Amazon:

BABYBJORN Potty Chair, Blue
Summer Infant Lil' Loo Potty, White
Fisher-Price Potty Training, Learn-to-Flush
BABYBJORN Toilet Trainer - White/Black
The First Years Disney Pixar Cars Soft Potty Seat, Colors May Vary
Arm & Hammer Secure Comfort Potty Seat, Colors May Vary

Potty Training Books

Toilet Training in Less Than a Day
Potty Training in One Day: A Guide for Today's Parents
Potty Train Your Child in Just One Day: Proven Secrets of the Potty Pro [toilet training]

Potty Books for Children

Potty (Leslie Patricelli board books)
A Potty for Me!
Sesame Street: Elmo's Potty Time


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