The Dr Phil potty training method is a potty-train-in-one-day technique also known as the Modeling Method. It is an adaptation of Nathan Azrin and Richard Foxx 1970’s "Toilet Training in Less than a Day" method. The method uses a potty doll and potty chair to demonstrate the process of "going potty", as well as a super hero and "potty parties" to provide motivation and positive reinforcement for your little one. The method was first mentioned on the Dr. Phil show in a 2002 episode on parenting. Dr. Phil claims that most children could be potty trained in a day by using this technique. Click here to view a clip.
You can buy the Potty doll and potty chair on Amazon, as well as books on this method. Click here for information.
Motivation and Modeling:
A super hero provides the motivation and a potty doll provides the modeling. Your child will get a phone call from his or her favorite superhero after a successful potty time. Use the potty doll to demonstrate the process of "going potty", and have your little one teach the potty doll how to use the toilet. Throw a "potty party" for the doll and let your little one know they he can have a potty party too.
When To Potty Train
Dr Phil suggests waiting until your child is at least two years old, but all children are different. Your child must be able to follow basic directions and they must be able to sense when they are ready to urinate.
Preparation For Potty Time
Before the actual training day, prepare your child by demonstrating how YOU go to the bathroom. Take them to the bathroom with you as often as you are comfortable doing so.
Identify your childs favorite superhero, as you will need the superhero to telephone your little one at the successful completion of training. Enlist the help of a friend or relative to play the part of superhero on the phone.
Find a place to potty train that is quiet and distraction free. Set aside a whole day to spend at home while your little one is learning to potty for the first time.
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