How to Potty Train

Preparation For Potty Time

Before the actual training day, prepare your child by demonstrating how YOU go to the bathroom.  Take them to the bathroom with you as often as you are comfortable doing so.  
Identify your childs favorite superhero, as you will need the superhero to telephone your little one at the successful completion of training. Enlist the help of a friend or relative to play the part of superhero on the phone.

Before the big day, take  your little one shopping for big boy underwear or big girl panties.  On the big day they will no longer wear diapers.  Your going to need a lot of underwear as accidents will happen.
Find a place to potty train that is quiet and distraction free.  Set aside a whole day to spend at home while your little one is learning to potty for the first time.  

The 7 Stages Of Potty Training

On the big day, follow these steps to teach your child how to properly use the toilet.  
Stage 1. Training the Potty Doll
Your child will learn by teaching the potty doll how to use the potty.
First, come up with a name for the potty doll.  Show your child that the potty doll is wearing big girl panties.  Then demonstrate how the potty doll works with the following steps.
  • Give the doll a drink.
  • Pull down the dolls undies.
  • Sit the potty doll on the potty.
  • Watch it pee on the potty together.
Stage 2. Throw a Potty Party
Throw a potty party for the doll, complete with streamers, confetti, horns and party hats. Let your toddler know that she will get a potty party too when she uses the potty. Your child can also call their favorite super hero to report the good news!

Stage 3. Get rid of the diapers
After practicing with the potty doll, it's your child's turn to use the potty. Take off his diaper and let him wear his new big boy underwear. Without the diaper they will experience accidents and hopefully they won't like it.
Dr. Phil cautions against using any type of training diaper that you can pull up and down. He says your child should be wearing toddler underwear for this approach to be effective.
Stage 4. Drink lots of fluids
Now is the time to give your toddler a lot of fluids and continue giving fluids throughout the day to encourage frequent urination.  Give your child their favorite drink to make sure they are interested in drinking.  Sometimes, drinking plenty of fluids yourself will encourage your youngster to also drink.  If your child is not interested in drinking, use any motivation you can think of as this step is very important to the process.
Stage 5. Dr Phil Potty Training Prompts
Ask your child regularly (every 15-30 minutes) if he or she needs to "go potty".  Have them practice pulling down their underwear and sitting on the potty. Each time the child attempts a toilet behavior (sitting on potty, pulling down pants, dry pants etc.) they receive a treat and verbal reinforcement.  This all helps to build muscle memory.
Stage 6. Dr Phil Potty Training Accidents.
Accidents WILL happen and can be a great learning experience if treated in the correct way. When they do happen, change the child into new pants and then practice going to the potty 9 times back to back. Parents need to stay cool during those drills.
Dr. Phil suggests:

  • Don't scold your child when a potty training accident happens, keep your cool.
  • Make potty training a positive experience.
  • Build muscle memory: practice pulling underwear down, sitting on the potty, pulling underwear back up.
Stage 7. Potty Party and Superhero Call .
When your little one has a successful potty time you need to celebrate excessively.  Throw a potty party with streamers, confetti, horns and party hats. Give your child a lot of praise and tell them what a great job they've done.  Then have your child call their favorite superhero to share their success. 


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